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Planning Legislation

Municipal Development Plan

The MDP is a statutory statement including goals and objectives to guide the growth and development of the Town of Oyen.  It is a statement of intent for the future for the Town.  This plan is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide for Council, the public, developers, and others making future-orientated decisions.  The Plan reflects a balanced concern for the economic, social, aesthetic, and management aspects of the Town of Oyen.

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF)

Area Structure Plan (ASP)

The purpose of an ASP is to guide and direct future subdivision and development within the plan’s area in an appropriate way that fulfills the ASP vision and adds to the vitality of the Town of Oyen.  It is a statutory document approved by Town Council and adopted by bylaw that provides citizens, developers, Town staff, and Council a road map when considering applications for land use redesignation, subdivision and development.  

Land Use Bylaw (LUB)

The purpose of the LUB is to regulate and control the use and development of land and buildings within the Municipality to achieve the orderly and economic development of the Town of Oyen.  It is a technical document that implements the policies contained in the MDP.  Most people who feel they have encountered ‘red tape’ with the development process have had experience with this well use and must needed document.  The LUB regulates ‘what’ is put ‘where’ on any property – new homes, signage, fences, decks, garages, and commercial and industrial projects.  The LUB also regulates change of land use (e.g. single – warehouse to office).  Development permit applications are made for most new building activity.  The application is issued a ‘development permit’ if it meets the requirements of the applicable Land Use District.

Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) 


Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP)

The ICSP is a document that reflects the Town’s vision, mission, beliefs, principles, and goals.