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Town Projects

An update on all current Town of Oyen projects is coming soon! Stay tuned!

In 2023, requirements were identified by AHS pilots in order to resume dark hour air ambulance service:

  • AWOS System - completed in the fall of 2023, this real-time weather station can be used by both pilots and the public.  Airport Weather Advisor® AWOS Live | CED3
  • Instrument Landing Approach (APV) - installation is underway.
  • Wind Turbine Light - a wind tower in the flight path required a light, and was installed in the fall of 2023.

Funding Breakdown:

  • MD of Acadia $22,000.00
  • Town of Oyen Operating Budget: $25,000.00
  • Special Areas: $178,000.00

Funding Breakdown:

  • Cares Grant $80,000.00
  • Community/Business Partners $79,000.00
  • Town of Oyen MSI Grant $10,000.00

= $169,000.00

Evaluation of building and other town owned infrastructure.

Funding Breakdown:

  • ACP Grant: $200,000.00

Town administration has now completed a multi-faceted project entitled ‘Building a Community Development Strategy for Oyen’ with Natalie Gibson of InnoVisions & Associates. InnoVisions is a consulting firm that specializes in helping rural communities with community and economic development.

“Our town needs a coordinated plan that helps our businesses to thrive and grow as a key part of a vibrant community” says Mayor Jones. “Our community depends on the success of our businesses to ensure a good quality of life for the residents. It is incumbent upon us to do what we can to foster their success.”

The Town hosted the first of a series of ‘community café’ discussions on November 22, 2022 and the second session took place February 16, 2023 with 54 participants. These café events were an opportunity for residents, business owners, rural citizens, student families, seniors, etc. to identify existing assets in Oyen & area, then create opportunities that will provide long-term prosperity for residents and businesses alike. Session #2 working groups viewed the opportunities identified by the public through public café sessions and over 100 online surveys receive and discussed.

On April 17, 2024, the Town hosted a town hall for the final report presentation.
The public can find a printed copy of the report at the Town Office, or view the Community Development Strategy & Action Plan online.

We would like to thank those who attended the sessions. During this project, over 250 individuals have participated. You are important to this process, and you are valued!
"Community" is a group effort; your opinion, knowledge, network, and participation are needed to create the Oyen you envision. 

From the discussions and feedback, four core priorities that require strategic effort to improve and develop:

1. Business Community - strive to support local businesses; focus on business retention; investment attraction; and workforce development
2. Education - Provide more education opportunities for youth and adults that lead to local employment
3. Agriculture - Increase agriculture collaboration and innovation; add more value-added products and services produced locally
4. Medical - secure additional medical services and continue to support the local hospital
During the process, council added a fifth priority..
5. Good Governance

If you are passionate about one these priorities, please reach out to the Town CAO to be added to the committee of champions and make a difference for your community!
We look forward to hearing from you!



✓ Reduce residential tax rate

✓ Recreation Board created

✓ Committees of Council and created to ensure ongoing management of recreation facilities

Current Situation 

  • On-going communications with the public
  • Engaging stake holders in Town Halls and Council Meetings


✓ Health Care Aide program at SCHS
(6 students enrolled in 2023/24)

✓ A Job Fair for students with local professionals, entrepreneurs, and trades

✓ Marketing Campaign "Have a Career & Build a Life in Oyen, AB"

✓  Two vacant teaching positions filled

Current Situation

  • Committee of Municipal and Educational leaders is created
  • Promoting current activities and accomplishments at Oyen schools on Town's social media
  • Southern Alberta School of Trades is coming to SCHS students


  • Increase number of students enrolling in Oyen High School
  • Increase interest in trades/careers available in Oyen
  • Integrate more programs and academies to increase school enrollment
  • Head start in career path
  • Attract and Retain teachers in Oyen


  • Dorms/housing options
  • Career Fairs/education
  • Promote & enroll students in RAP program with local companies
  • Creation of a local bursary or scholarship program
  • Integrate & retain
  • Promote & Develop academies to increase school enrollment


✓ Committee created with volunteers from CARA, Special Areas, and local farmers/ranchers

✓ Promoting Chinook Applied Research Association (CARA) initiatives and workshops

Current Situation

  • Acadia Valley Irrigation Project Feasibility Study = new crops & increased yields
  • Railyard expansion = attract agriculture businesses/industry


  • Investment Attraction Strategy and Action Plan for the Oyen Rail and Logistics Park
  • Host agriculture value-add workshops and information sessions
  • Grow new high-value crops
  • Value-added businesses
  • Increase people and businesses tax payers


  • Education sessions
  • Promote business opportunities and profiles
  • Identify prov/federal advantages


✓ BCH's Emergency Dept. and all acute care beds reopened 24/7

✓ Fixed wing air ambulance service resumed 24/7

✓ Increased patient load for new doctors

✓ FCSS launched seniors transportation program

✓ Marketing Campaign "Have a Career & Build a Life in Oyen, AB" 

✓ Local Site manager hired, Shelaine Woods

✓ Land purchased for a new doctors' clinic

✓ Elected Officials meet with AHS once per month

Current Situation

  • International Nurses set to arrive in Oyen
  • Lodge expansion is underway (14 beds in SL3 and 4)
  • A committee of champions has been formed and meet every few weeks.
  • Doctors and Nurses are honoured and supported by the community
  • An incentive package is created for attraction
  • Newcomer Connector volunteer position open to integrate/welcome new employees in the community
  • Attract nurses and other medical professionals to Oyen (share Government incentives) 
  • Differentiate us from the "rest of rural"
  • Fill all vacant positions with signed nurses (no contract nurses)
  • Increase patient load for our doctors
  • Increase medical services including a Dementia Unit
  • Mirror Doctor recruitment successes to attract & integrate nurses and other medical professionals into the community
  • Host and Attend career fairs
  • Housing support and buddy system
  • Grow Our Own
  • Promote high school students to enroll in the Prairie Rose Healthcare Aide Program


✓a designated community for the Rural Renewal Stream 

✓ A designated region for the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program

✓ Employer and Employee needs survey completed

✓ Business Directory (marketing) on Town website and Social Media "Spotlight Sundays"

✓ Return 2 Rural Workforce Strategy and Action Plan has been completed

✓ Demolition and reclamation of the Old Hotel Lot

✓ Housing needs survey completed for our area

Current Situation

  • Working with the Chamber of Commerce to develop strategies
  • Local businesses closing 
  • Limited bars/restaurants
  • Strengthen local support for businesses
  • Increase workforce active & available
  • Attract new businesses to open
  • See succession planning within local businesses
  • Alta. Advantage Immigration Program
  • Ukrainians/Refugees
  • Housing selection
  • "Grow your Own" RAP program in school
  • Promote mentorship & scholarships for Returning to Rural


✓ Oyen East Central Rail Project Feasibility Study completed

✓ Oyen East Industrial Area Structure Plan has been approved by Council

✓  Newcomers’ page on the Oyen website with tools and resources to integrate newcomers to our community.

 Welcoming Communities Committee was created launched in December of 2023

Current Situation

  • Oyen Rail and Logistics Park Investment Attraction Strategy and Action Plan (pending funding)
  • Oyen received the National Trade Corridor Grant for rail development 


  • Increase industry in Town = increase tax assessment
  • Acquire more industrial land in Oyen
  • Increase amount of tax payers
  • Increase residents through workforce strategy


  • Oyen East Annexation (expand and attract)
  • Promote advantages and Attract Industry
  • Railyard expansion

“At the end of this project, we will have some clear strategies and plans on where we are going, how we are going to get there and who’s going to do what to ensure a dynamic business community” says Debbie Ross , Town CAO.

Funding Breakdown:

  • Fire reserves: $70,000.00
  • Volunteer Fire Department: $60,000.00
  • Town of Oyen MSI Grant: $54,677

= $184,677.00

Funding Breakdown:

  • Oyen Operating Budget: $400,000.00

Expanding 3rd stage at lagoon to meet Environment regulations

Funding Breakdown:

  • AMWWP Grant: $1,507,070.00
  • MSI: $300,000.00
  • GTF: $216,930.00

The Town of Oyen is working with Palliser Regional Municipal Services (PRMS) to update the Town’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB) in collaboration with the Town Council and its residents. The new LUB will replace the current version of the Oyen LUB Bylaw 826-13 with an entirely new bylaw.

What is a LUB?

A Land Use Bylaw directs the use and development of lands and buildings. By establishing land use districts (zoning), the LUB regulates the types of activities and buildings that can occur on any specific property. It also contains regulations, such as building height, maximum parcel coverage and building setbacks from property lines. The LUB is the tool that the long-term vision and goals of the Oyen Municipal Development Plan (Bylaw 890-22) are implemented on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of the LUB is to enable development, while minimizing the potential impacts on adjacent neighbours.


What is the review process and timelines?

The proposed new Land Use Bylaw will be drafted by PRMS and Town Administration during the summer. The draft LUB will be presented to the public at an open house in fall 2024. A survey will be conducted to obtain feedback on the draft. The bylaw must be approved by bylaw, and a public hearing held before second reading of the bylaw. It is anticipated the new Land Use Bylaw could be approved and come into effect by winter 2024.


How will the new Land Use Bylaw be approved?

Council is responsible to approve the new Land Use Bylaw by bylaw. The draft LUB will be presented to Council for the first of three readings of a bylaw and a public hearing will be held prior to second reading. Council can make changes to the draft bylaw at any of the three readings to address any concerns expressed at the public hearing or concerns of Council.


How can the public provide input to the draft Land Use Bylaw?

Residents, business and landowners are invited to provide feedback to Oyen Council at the open house this fall and the public hearing, likely to be held early this winter. The public hearing date will be advertised a few weeks in advance of the public hearing. The Communications and Engagement Plan provides details of how the residents, businesses and Council of the Town will be engaged through the process.

Preliminary Design

Funding Breakdown:

  • ACP Grant: $350,000.00

Funding Breakdown:

MSI Grant $398,000.00

On November 25th, 2005, the Hotel in Oyen started on fire. Since then, the property was handed to the Town of Oyen through Tax forfeiture. The town has been awarded the Municipal Sustainability Initiative Grant and directed towards the demolition of the condemned building and lot reclamation. This corner lot on main street is now available for purchase.

See Town Property for more information. 

Oyen East Industrial Area Structure Plan - draft

The Council of the Town of Oyen gave first reading to Bylaw No. 904-23 on February 14, 2023 at a Special Council Meeting. A Public Hearing will be formally held on March 14th, 2023 commencing at 6:00pm. Council will accept formal complaints from any person claiming to be affected by the proposed bylaw. 

The proposed Bylaw 904-23 can be viewed on our website under Government - Bylaws, or copies may be pick up at the Town Office Monday thru Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

The Open House was held on March 1, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Town Council Chambers. Eighteen members from the public attended, along with representatives from the Town of Oyen, Palliser Regional Municipal Services and the Special Areas Board. A presentation was given by Palliser, then the floor was opened up to questions and comments from the public. Conversation was constructive and respectful. We would like to thank all of those who attended!

Kindly contact Debbie Ross, CAO, at (403)664-3511 for further information.

The Oyen Railyard project has been developing over the past several years. The Canadian National Railway (CNR) has certified the Oyen Railyard "rail ready" (click here to view CNs document). This certification adds Economic Benefit to the Town of Oyen and area as it is now a desirable placement for industries to build/expand.

For more information, view the following documents or contact Doug Jones.

06/12/2020 - Notice of Annexation

Upgrades to roof, HVAC System, Windows

Funding Breakdown:

  • Province: $509,000.00
  • Condo reserves: $40,000.00
  • Town MSI Grant: $121,040.00

= $671,000.00

  • PLC Upgrade
  • Automated Reservoir Bypass
  • Remote Monitoring SCADA
  • Pump Station Temperature Monitoring
  • Lift Station Monitoring

Funding Breakdown:

  • Oyen Operating Budget: $120,000.00
Notice of Public Hearing- Proposed Bylaw 917-24
Notice of Public Hearing- Proposed Bylaw 917-24